Expressive Arts Journaling Courses 

What is expressive arts journaling?

Expressive arts journaling is simply a visual communication with yourself. It's a creative way of exploring your relationship with yourself, processing your beliefs, values, struggles & dreams.

The arts journaling courses are online videos that you will access immediately upon purchase. You can view them on your own time & as often as you wish.

With the guidance of Elle, she will steer you through every step of the art page development, showing you what art supplies to use & how to use them, as well as lead you through discussion & questions about the topic to help you process your truth that you're expressing on your page. 


What if I'm not an artist?

No problem! If you can draw a dot, a circle, a straight line, a curvy line & a zig zag line, you can draw anything, we promise! All lessons are created with the beginner in mind, while being flexible for a more advanced artist to adapt & add their unique flair.


What supplies are needed?

All supplies are listed in a downloadable .pdf within the video library. We've curated the supply list to maximize each product as much as possible. Think of it like a grocery list - we're maximizing each ingredient to use as many times in the upcoming meals to help keep the costs down! 

All supplies are what Elle uses in the videos & you can find links to purchase the supplies in your video library.

Basic supplies that are used are gel pens, black sharpie pens, white paint marker, black stabilo pencil, acryllic paint, paintbrushes, stencils, watercolors, gesso or modpodge, and mixed media paper.  Some common household items used that you likely already have are q-tips, paper, paper towels, & makeup sponges. 

We also package all the supplies needed for you per course, so if you'd like to save time, you can add a Course Supply Package during the check out process. 


How is this different than a Creative Session?

These creative processes are completely different with very unique goals. A creative session utilizes unstructured art exercises with the goal of breakthrough in a specific problem in a 1:1 environment, led by the client's needs.

Expressive arts journaling explores predetermined themes set by Elle, utilizing structured art techniques which results in a specific artwork at the end. There is a thematic teaching portion & then at the end, there is time for the student to reflect on how the lesson can be applied in their own lives, & they can express their reflections in writing & add that into their page. 

Course Descriptions


Sold Seasonally (3 lessons per Season: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall)

AND Annually (12 lessons)

12 lessons based on what each month can teach us.


Jesus loved talking about nature, plants, seeds & trees when He taught about His Kingdom, Heaven, relationships, your purpose and more. We see that all of creation is an expression of Creator God & there is so much that nature can teach, encourage & inspire us in our pursuit of healthy soul living. We can't live in every season at the same time, but we can learn the art of being present & mindful in each season of our lives, and calling them all beautiful.  

Winter & Spring Lessons:

  • Call Each Season Beautiful ~ the art of being vulnerable
  • Beauty Roots Meekly Deep ~ the art of being still
  • Winds of Worship ~ the art of flying free
  • There is a Cloud ~ the art of giving glory
  • Dare to Bloom ~ the art of being broken & brave
  • Light the Way ~ the art of living Truth

Summer & Fall Lessons:

  • Know the Row you Sow ~ the art of loving powerfully
  • Pressure Points ~ the art of strengthening & conditioning
  • Shades of Green ~ the art of sowing the same 
  • Leading & Gathering ~ the art of holding space 
  • Living Ambersand ~ the art of tension
  • All Things New ~ the art of deliverance


Sold in 4 Week lesson & 12 week lesson packages

12 lessons based on what each month can teach us.


If you want to know WHO you are, you must discover WHOSE you are so you can live a life that is Whole, Healed & Overflowing. We are going to counter the universal fear that "I am not enough" by encountering the One who is Everything, learn how to do life with Him instead of for Him as we reconnect to our unique talents, gifts, interests, quirks & calling inside, and discover the masterpieces we were created to be.


  • coming soon


  • coming soon


Sold Thematically (3 lessons per Theme: Love, Acceptance, Worth or Security) 

AND In Total (12 lessons)

3 & 12 lessons based on what each woman teaches us.


You've likely heard of the Proverbs 31 or the Titus 2 "biblical woman," but how many are familiar with the Judges 4 Woman? Starting out as a good natured tongue-in-cheek social media group, I've now developed our studies of the lesser known biblical women into this new course. Like our namesake heroine, Jael, we discover that despite thousands of years between us, we share similar joys, sorrows, strengths, weaknesses, trials, triumphs & loads of relationship adventures as they did, and through their vulnerability, we expand our understanding of how to live like a "biblical woman."

Love & Acceptance Lessons:

  • coming soon

Worth & Security Lessons:

  • coming soon


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