I believe in a Creator YHWH God, Source of Life & Love, revealed in the Judeo-Christian Bible.
I believe Jesus is The Word of God, the Son of God, and the best representation of God on earth. If we know the Him, we know the Father.
I believe the Holy Spirit makes us new in Christ when we believe & never leaves us.
I believe we were created by Love, in Love & for Love, sharing the very nature of Love, in order to do Love.
Upon the introduction of sin, I believe we were disconnected from eternity & God, and our supernatural spirits became dead & wrong/unrighteous. Through Jesus' actions from the cross to the grave to the resurrection, our own dead, unrighteous spirits can be crucified, buried & then resurrected with a shared, brand new righteous spirit of Christ. Jesus surrendered to this process Himself (crucifixion-death-resurrection), placing all His hope in God's Love. When we believe in faith & place our hope in God's love, we surrender self & enter into what Jesus did & are Made New & Alive.
I believe the Bible is the trustworthy words of God, a compilation of history, poetry, philosophy, prophecy, letters & story.
I believe all law is purely expressed through the Ultimate Law of Love: do to others as you would want them to do to you.
I believe we are created to be fully human, faithfully & purely abiding in the Holy Spirit of God. Living this out can be expressed in nearly infinitely good & unique ways.
I believe God's heart towards & for us is always loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful & respectful/self-controlled.