Peacekeeping vs Peacemaking
Jul 29, 2021
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
Everyone. Including YOURSELF.
Peacekeeping doesn't work because in order to keep the peace with an abuser, you declare war on yourself. If you have to chronically surrender to something you don't agree about in order to guarantee a cease fire, you're not living in & out of sincere Peace.
(Someone tell the counselors & the pastors this.)
In a peacekeeping dynamic, you are effectively forced into a defeated role, though God has made you More Than a Conqueror. You are behaving as if a lie is truth, and so of course the fruit is war, strife, chaos, death. It may take time & wisdom to battle your way out of this, but do know you were created for Sincere Peace, not war.
Peacemaking enables everyone to be in sincere Peace with one another & with selves. Peacemaking occurs when wise & strong boundaries are established & maintained around & between the individuals. The best boundaries bring Life & Peace to all involved. If you're not experiencing life & peace, good boundaries have been crossed & need to be reestablished or reset.
Peacekeeping is "please don't hurt me" vs Peacemaking "I won't hurt you" & "I won't hurt you."
Peacekeeping only one person is trying to be responsible for all.
Peacemaking is all people are responsible for themselves to all.