Marriage Makes You Holy?

holiness marriage spiritual abuse May 26, 2021

Marriage Lie: "Marriage isn't meant to make you happy, it's meant to make you holy." 

Truth: Jesus makes us holy. That's it, nothing else.

Why do we make marriage SO much more than it really is?! Some christians idolize it & rework roles so that lordship, sanctification & even salvation is rooted within a marriage relationship.

Good news: Just Jesus reigns, just Jesus sanctifies, just Jesus saves. He didn't line people up under umbrellas to get to Him while He was on earth. All were welcomed directly. The Old Testament priesthood was abolished - so much of the New Testament is about this. Don't recreate a priesthood inside the walls of your home - family was never designed to be a fresh take on an old system! 

God created the concept of marriage as a blessing to be enjoyed, not endured.