Let My People Go
Aug 07, 2021
“Why doesn’t she just leave?”
One of the most frequent questions asked about women who stay way too long in an abusive relationship.
Did anyone ask Moses and the Israelites, why didn’t you just leave earlier? Do you think Pharaoh would have just let them waltz out of Egypt?! Even when they asked to leave initially only *for a season* Pharaoh was offended and wouldn’t let them go.
Do you think an abuser only feels entitled to his wife when she is under his roof, but he will magically become respectful of boundaries and her autonomy when she leaves?! Like Pharaoh, these men who have been given/taken authority look at their spouses as property. They feel they are entitled to a wife and will punish her (any one else who may try to stop him) if she dare denies him.
Like Pharaoh, the abusive treatment increases when he’s made aware of the desire to leave.
Like Pharaoh, many many many chances were given to him to do the right thing leading up to the exodus. There was grace extended and hope given and appeals made.
And yet Pharaoh’s heart didn’t soften, didn’t respond to grace, didn’t respond to the spirit of the gospel, didn’t respond to the God revelations coming through Moses and Aaron.
He doubled down instead. He hardened his heart even more. He was even willing to allow his own child to suffer (in his case, killed) instead of being held accountable and show basic respect for these people.
This is the same heart and spirit of a hardened abusive spouse.
And it didn’t get easier for the Israelites once they finally broke through and were given a brief window to leave.
When Pharaoh realized just what he was giving up, he.was.enraged and sent out all the fury of an empirical army after them. Every weapon, every warrior, every attack was set out in manic, terrifying pursuit of them. His agenda was punishment & to reclaim what was “his.” His method was intense fear and cruelty.
It took supernatural miracles, strength and courage from God to get these people out of there.
Guess what it takes to help get a woman out of an abusive, oppressive relationship? It’s one of the scariest things she may ever do.
Help her. Encourage her. Support her. Validate her.
How would you feel if you had a Pharaoh on your heels?