"I Think I'm Going Crazy"
Aug 04, 2021
"I can't take much more, he's making me crazy!"
“Is it her, or am I the one losing my mind?!"
Have you ever said this? Ever had a friend or loved one share these sentiments with you?
Abusers see everyone and everything as *tools* to be used for their pleasure. They feel entitled to whatever they want & see people as tools to help them get it. Other people exist only in relationship to them - they don't see people as autonomous. People are either useful or unnecessary.
Even *Reality* is seen as a tool.
An honest reality may be a force of accountability & a consequential hindrance to what the abusers are wanting, or believing they deserve.
They brazenly & shamelessly declare their version of circumstances "reality" & behave as if it is true, until everyone else around them does the same. Abusers are master manipulators - they can trick people even into false realities. They can do it aggressively & passively (gaslighting, repetition, intimidation through threats of punishment, charming lies, etc). Once that happens, everyone else has effectively adopted the abuser's version of reality as The Reality.
All are now operating under a false reality while labeling it a true reality.
That's literally, crazy.
The abuser is a liar while demanding to be honored as truth.
That's literally, evil.
If the victims can't escape, or experience punishment for questioning or challenging this, the behavior of this relational pattern is psychologically abusive.
If this is how you've been feeling, you're not the crazy one, friend. The True Truth will set you Free.